Conifer Hedge Maintenance

There are many varieties of 'conifer hedge' used in this country as boundaries between neighbours or as screening from roads or unsightly landmarks. For what ever reason a conifer hedge is installed it should be maintained regularly and the same goes for solitary conifer trees especially in small gardens because these trees quickly outgrow their surroundings if given half the chance.

When it comes to trimming or cutting a Conifer tree or hedge it is important to start early. only a few of the conifer tree families  When the tree becomes too big it is extremely difficult to dramatically decrease its size without killing the tree or part of it. Trimming is restricted by the trees branch structure.

Make sure when trimming your conifers that you don't cut beyond the green foliage and that you trim it often to prevent the tree or trees from out growing their surroundings. Regular trimming helps maintain a green conifer. We advise trimming your conifer trees and hedges twice a year in the early summer months and autumn to restrict their development in the summer and keep them neat until the spring.